Stan Issue 6 COMING 2024
Stan is a 6 issue comic book series written and lettered by Rob Neil Gruszecki and illustrated by me, Nicole Gruszecki
"Stan is a story that takes place in Eternity, an office building sitting amidst a swath of existential nothingness known as the Naught. After a tumultuous war between celestials and their angels, Stan, a fallen, now serves a higher power. One where he sweeps the floors of the torture rooms in Hell. A pointless, redundant, infinitesimal contribution to an unfathomably large system that simply doesn't care."-Rob Neil Gruszecki
Panel highlights from Stan
Each comic is fully hand drawn with pen and coloured with watercolour paint. Stan is published by Broken Key Comics.
The Forlorned is a 4 page comic written by Morten Kristiansen and illustrated and lettered by me, Nicole Gruszecki. It was published as part of a graphic novel anthology called Alberta Comics: Home. It was published by Renegade Arts Entertainment in 2022. It was hand illustrated with pen and copic markers and lettered digitally.
Porcelain is an 8 page horror comic written and illustrated by me, Nicole Gruszecki. It was published by Broken Key Comics. It is based on my childhood nightmares about my porcelain doll collection. It is hand drawn with pen and coloured black and white with india ink.
Porcelain #2
Like Every Pillow Flung Off the Bed is an angsty feminist magazine put together by Stephanie Rutledge and myself. Stephanie did the poetry on a type writer and I did the images with pen. This was published by Broken Key Comics. Below are a few choice sections from the magazine.
The Secret Circus is a children's book put out by Broken Key Comics. It was written by Joey Gruszecki and illustrated by me, Nicole Gruszecki. The illustrations were done with a calligraphy pen and watercolour paints. Below are a few choice illustrations from the book.
Forbidden Texts was a project created by Joey Gruszecki and myself. Joey would read aloud a horror story from the public domain and I would sketch as he read the story. Once we got a collection of these sketches we put them into a book. Joey did a little write up on each author and story and I added a pencil portrait of the author. This was published by Broken Key Comics. Below are a few choice pages from this book.
Lyric booklet for The Hidden Garden Collective for their album Vignettes from Dreamland in 2019. Lyric book included 16 pages of watercolour and ink illustrations and text.
(CD art done by The Hidden Garden Collective)
This one page comic is a collaboration between myself and Shea Proulx. I wrote and coloured it with watercolour paints, Shea illustrated and lettered it. It was first published in the Panel One Comic Creators 2018 Calendar for the month of October and then again in 2020 in The Scene magazine.